Opinion roundup: Will Trump fire Bannon, Kushner; will Stone Mountain be blasted; is GOP the party of Lee?

White House adviser Steve Bannon.

White House adviser Steve Bannon.

A roundup of Friday’s editorials includes a look at why President Donald Trump should fire his son-in-law, Jeff Sessions and a pot prohibition, Trump’s fitness to lead and other issues.

Here are some opinions from the Right and from the Left.

Opinions from the Left

1. Why Trump must fire Steve Bannon and Jared Kushner

Getting rid of Bannon may change nothing, a Bloomberg editorial suggests. But getting rid of Kushner would. Why? Because he’s not a “governing professional.”

2. Jeff Sessions, pot prohibition is so 2011

The Seattle Times takes Attorney General Jeff Sessions to task for a recent letter to Washington and other legal marijuana states.

3. White supremacy isn’t a philosophy, it’s a filter

“The patina of white supremacy, with its pallid luster, had again been seen for what it really was,” Wired says in an editorial that asks why the president cannot the comments President Trump made on Tuesday

Opinions from the Right

4. America's Second Civil War

Patrick Buchanan in The American Conservative wonders if the carvings of Lee, Jackson, and Davis that sit on Stone Mountain will be blasted off?

5. Is the Party of Lincoln Now the Party of Lee?

“The Republican Party under Donald Trump has regressed from the party of Lincoln to the party of Lee,” Mona Charen writes in The National Review. The switch will discredit the party for some time, she says.

6. Unfit to Lead

Linda Chavez wonders in an editorial on Townhall.com, why Republicans won’t take on Trump over his comments about Charlottesville. She brands the president “unfit to lead.”