Opinion roundup from the Right: Trump gave fair warning to U.N.; speech was perfect example of America first

President Donald Trump speaks to world leaders at the 72nd United Nations (UN) General Assembly at UN headquarters in New York on September 19, 2017 in New York City. This is Trump's first appearance at the General Assembly where he addressed threats from Iran and North Korea among other global concerns.

Credit: Spencer Platt

Credit: Spencer Platt

President Donald Trump speaks to world leaders at the 72nd United Nations (UN) General Assembly at UN headquarters in New York on September 19, 2017 in New York City. This is Trump's first appearance at the General Assembly where he addressed threats from Iran and North Korea among other global concerns.

A roundup of Wednesday editorials includes a look at President Donald Trump’s Tuesday speech to the United Nations.

Here are some opinions from the Right.

1. Fair warning at the U.N.

From The Washington Times: President Donald Trump took it to the U.N. on Tuesday with a fair warning that the North Korea situation needs to be dealt with.

2.  The two sides of Trump's UN speech -- pro-UN and America First

From Fox News: Trump gave two speeches-in-one on Tuesday, praising the UN in one breath, but making sure they know he is America first all the way.

3. Have liberal critics of President Trump’s remarks yesterday forgotten how they reacted 24 years ago?

From The American Spectator: Liberals are having a hard time recalling when former President Bill Clinton took on the leader of North Korea.

Click here to read some opinions from the Left.