Four Questions with Pickens coach Chris Parker

GHSF Daily asked Georgia head coaches to answer these four questions. We'll report from a different head coach each day.

Chris Parker, Pickens

1. What is the real difference-maker in winning and losing in Georgia high school football? "Obviously, many things factor in to winning and losing in high school football. In the short term, talent is the most important. Coaching is also a factor, but players win the games. Good players have always made me look like a good coach. Over an extended period of time, the most important factor in winning and losing is having support. This support comes from administration, community and booster club. I feel like I have as much support as anyone around. We are very fortunate to have a great administration and community in Pickens County, and this allows us to coach and the talented players to make plays."

2. Which player that you've coached is memorable mostly for his character or inspiration? "Silas Lott was a very undersized defensive lineman that had to play JV as a junior, and many didn't think he would ever play. He worked so hard that he developed into a very good player on our varsity team. He then walked on at Berry and has been a dedicated practice player for Berry and a great asset to our youth program. He is a great young man that will be successful in whatever he does in life."

3. What is the best atmosphere for a high school game that you've experienced away from home? "Anytime we play in Ellijay against Gilmer, it is a great atmosphere. The local rivalry is hard to explain to someone that hasn't experienced it. At Sequoyah in the early 2000s, there was always a special feeling about playing at Cherokee. We had some great games with them over the years, and the games at Cherokee were always memorable."

4. As a player or coach at any level, which game do you wish you could play again? "The games that stick with you the most are always the games you lose that are very close. Several close games come to mind where one play would have made a difference, but the main game that sticks out is our 2015 first-round playoff game at Marist. We were winning 10-7 late in the third quarter and let it slip away. Marist did a great job of coaching and dominated the fourth quarter. I felt like if we could have won that game, it would have been a signature win for our program. There is a reason Marist is so good. They are well-coached and tough to beat!"

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