Hawks All-Time Team ... or so says NBA 2K18

Dominique Wilkins gets emotional as he watches his statue is being unveiled at Philips Arena on Thursday, March 5, 2015. The Atlanta Hawks unveiled a large statue of former legendary Hawks player Dominique Wilkins on Thursday at Philips Arena. Measuring 13½ feet in height, the granite statue was unveiled at a private luncheon and ceremony on the arena floor. Made with a Nikon D4 camera, 200-400MM lens at focal length 220MM, 1/160 second, F4, and an ISO of 4000. HYOSUB SHIN / HSHIN@AJC.COM

Credit: Chris Vivlamore

Credit: Chris Vivlamore

Dominique Wilkins gets emotional as he watches his statue is being unveiled at Philips Arena on Thursday, March 5, 2015. The Atlanta Hawks unveiled a large statue of former legendary Hawks player Dominique Wilkins on Thursday at Philips Arena. Measuring 13½ feet in height, the granite statue was unveiled at a private luncheon and ceremony on the arena floor. Made with a Nikon D4 camera, 200-400MM lens at focal length 220MM, 1/160 second, F4, and an ISO of 4000. HYOSUB SHIN / HSHIN@AJC.COM

OK, I have moved on from the beat for the most part.

However, I'm sure you all want a new blog and/or are sick of my goodbye post.

Therefore ...

In case you missed it this morning, I posted a photo gallery with NBA 2K18's take on the All-Time Hawks Team. Here is the link if want to take a look. There is plenty of reason for debate - those who where put on and those who were left off. Heck, Steve Holman is already protesting the lack of Tree Rollins.

Take a look and let us know what you think. There is commenting available on the photo gallery but if you want to continue the discuss here, by all means.

Hope all is well with my blog peeps!