Readers Write: May 18

Businesses should be liable for disarming

I understand those who doubt the wisdom of students and others having guns on college campuses, but they should remember that the average student is too young to even legally possess a firearm. Those who wish to carry must undergo a background check and have their fingerprints run against criminal databases before they can possess a “carry permit.” The truth is that most college administrators are quite liberal, are anti-Second Amendment and oppose any individual right to own a firearm whether on or off campus.

Perhaps new legislation should be passed that any college or business that forbids firearms on their campus or premises be legally held strictly responsible for the safety of any student or person on their premises. If I or any member of my family is injured or attacked in a “forbidden-carry” area, I will personally hold responsible any and all individuals responsible for the fact that I or my family member were purposely disarmed against our will. You disarm me, and you are completely responsible for my safety. Got it?


French election a victory for the republic

The victory of Emmanuel Macron in the French presidential election has much more significance to Europe and the world than just French domestic politics. It stops the global populist, nationalistic political movement and reaffirms that, at the end of the day, French people value their republic and its democratic inclusive principles versus the fear tactics of the extreme right-wing led by Marine Le Pen. Moving forward, Macron also has the opportunity to change the stifling bureaucracy of Brussels and the EU and tackle the worldwide problems of globalization.

Macron has a business background and will bring his youth and intelligence to lead France economically into the 21st century, which would be very beneficial for France, Europe and ultimately for the U.S.