How well would you do on the cognitive test President Trump took?

President Trump’s Physical Exam Results Released

On Tuesday, Admiral Dr. Ronny Jackson answered questions about President Donald Trump's health, reporting that after last week's physical exam, Trump was in "excellent" health.

In addition to a physical exam, Trump, Jackson said, asked that he be given a cognitive screening test – one that would test for signs of early dementia, for instance.

Jackson said Trump was given the Montreal Cognitive Assessment test – a series of questions asking the test taker to remember a list of words, recognize animals, draw a specific time on a clock and draw a cube, among other tasks.

How well did the president do on the test? He was perfect, Jackson said, getting 30 out of 30 possible points. A score of 26 or higher on the test is considered to be a normal result

Below is a MoCA test like the one the president took. Can you get 26 or higher?